Our free online community is for watershed professionals and engaged farmers who want to connect with peers, seek and share advice and opportunities, and feel part of something bigger.
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What is the Online Community?
It’s like a social media platform specifically for watershed leaders! Our online community is where you can connect virtually with other watershed leaders from across the Midwest and Mid-South to:
- Ask questions related to your watershed work
- Get and give advice and support
- Share job and funding opportunities related to watershed management
- Learn about upcoming events for watershed leaders
- Find nearby watershed leaders like you
- Plant seeds for collaborations

Who should join?
Our online community is for anyone who is actively involved in efforts to improve water quality and landscape health in the Midwest and Mid-South, especially those working in a watershed context, such as the following:
- Watershed coordinators, planners, and managers
- Conservation professionals and farm advisors who work or are interested in working in a watershed context, such as from NRCS, university extension, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, counties, nonprofits, and private consultants
- Watershed trainers or educators from university extension, nonprofits, or government agencies
- Farmers who are part of watershed or farmer-led groups to improve soil and water
- Non-operating landowners who are part of watershed groups or want to be active in soil and water conservation efforts
Why join?
Because we know this work can sometimes get lonely. And we know no one wants to recreate the wheel. Our online community can help you feel less isolated, better supported, and more confident that your daily work will lead to meaningful impact.
Join us if you have been seeking:
- A platform to network with peers who are doing similar work to achieve similar goals
- A forum for advice, ideas, and support related to your watershed work
- A community that can help you feel seen, inspired, and part of something bigger
Unlike general social media platforms, our online community connects you directly with like-minded peers and information that is specific to your watershed work.
By connecting and learning together, we can build a strong community of practice and scale our impacts to achieve healthy landscapes, clean and abundant freshwater, and thriving communities and farms.