What We Do

We are building human capital

Coordinating and implementing actions to improve water quality requires a variety of skills, a breadth of knowledge, and a lot of motivation.

The Confluence creates a central place for watershed leaders to access training, resources, and peer learning opportunities that can build their skills, knowledge, and confidence – their human capital. We also accelerate innovation in training by cultivating collaborations between watershed educators.

We are building a community of practice

The work of watershed professionals, farmers, and others who are trying to implement solutions to improve water quality can often feel isolating.

The Confluence takes the loneliness out of this work and connects like-minded peers, so they can learn from each other, avoid recreating wheels, and feel part of something bigger.

We are building visibility for watershed leaders

We believe that to achieve clean water goals, society needs to invest more in people. Change happens because people – such as watershed professionals and farmers – make it happen.

The Confluence amplifies the stories, successes, and needs of watershed leaders to showcase their value to solving our water challenges and help them feel seen and supported.

Join us, because connection makes us stronger.

If you are a watershed professional, watershed educator, or farmer in the U.S. Midwest or Mid-South who wants to make a meaningful impact for water, land, and people, we invite you to join our online community. It’s free, and it’s a gateway to support and a sense of being part of something bigger.