Curated and created to support your success as a watershed leader
Use the filters below to discover resources designed to help watershed leaders achieve their goals.
Soil Health Toolbox
A hub for research-based soil health resources throughout the North Central region.
Source: Soil Health Nexus
Minnesota Stormwater Manual
A user-friendly and flexible guide for better stormwater management. This website was developed in an interactive wiki format to make it easy for the user to get to the subject of interest and to move between subjects. Useful to stormwater management professionals beyond just Minnesota!
Source: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
DEI Guidebook for Conservation Professionals
This guidebook seeks to be a living resource aimed at integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles into conservation efforts amidst the challenges posed by climate change. It offers actionable guidance tailored to each phase of the nine-step conservation planning process, with a particular emphasis on addressing the specific needs of historically underserved producers and communities.
Source: Soil and Water Conservation Society and Meridian Institute
Basics of Conservation Finance: Facilitator’s Guide
A curriculum for training conservation professionals and farm business management educators about the financial considerations of on-farm conservation practices. Intended users are educators, such as from university extension services, who are interested in delivering this training in their state or local area.
Source: Soil Health Nexus
The Financial Implications of Conservation Agriculture: Insights from Analyses of Farms in the Upper Midwest
This booklet aims to inform farmers’ key partners—in particular, conservation educators and professionals, farm business management educators, and agricultural lenders—about the financial costs and benefits of conservation agriculture practices to assist their work with farmers.
Source: Soil Health Nexus
Guide for Monitoring Phosphorus
A science-based bulletin about how to monitor phosphorus concentrations in drainage discharge, with recommended sampling strategies for estimating P load and investigating P movement.
Source: Michigan State University
Stakeholder Engagement in Natural Resources: A Guide to Concepts, Tools, and Strategies
This Guidebook is designed to help those seeking to develop a community-led, stakeholder-engaged approach to addressing issues in natural resource and community settings. Whether you are a practitioner, researcher, or agency or organizational leader, it provides you with a user-friendly empirical and practical grounding in the development, implementation, and evaluation of stakeholder engagement initiatives.
Source: Penn State University, Water for Agriculture, and Southwest Decision Resources
Conservation Economics & Finance Resource Hub
A collection of case studies, reports, and other research-based materials that have examined the profitability of conservation practices on farms within the North Central Region.
Source: Soil Health Nexus
Outreach Toolkit
The resources in this outreach toolkit are intended to support on-the-ground efforts to expand the use of key soil health practices, to reach new audiences of farmers, ranchers, and landowners, and build communication skills of conservation professionals.
Source: National Wildlife Federation
Monitor My Watershed
An online data portal that lets you discover and map monitoring data and share and compare your monitoring data with the world.
Source: Stroud Water Research Center