Share your ideas and your journey to improve soil and water health.
Are you trying to leave your farm better than you found it with cover crops, low or no till, managed grazing, or other practices that improve soil health and water resources?
Want to connect with other farmers who are also trying to be good stewards and good neighbors?
You don’t have to feel isolated or frustrated. Join the Conservation Farmer Network!
Join Now – Program to start February 2024
We are starting Conservation Farmer Networks in the following regions. Click on your region to sign up to receive more information.
What is the Conservation Farmer Network?
It is both a network building and skill building program for farmers who incorporate conservation practices into their operations.
The goal of the program is to build local networks of farmers who want to exchange ideas about conservation and learn how they can encourage more farmers in their communities to adopt conservation practices.
Why Join?
The Network will provide you an opportunity to build stronger connections that will give you support on your conservation journey.
It will also help you develop stronger communication skills, so you can give back support to fellow farmers who need help getting started in conservation.
Plus, it’s free to join!
What You Can Expect
Through a mix of in-person and virtual meetings and practical activities over the course of six weeks, you will gain
- Skills to help you educate and empower fellow farmers to make changes to their operations that are better for the soil, water, and farming legacy – without feeling like you are telling them how to farm.
- An expanded network of like-minded farmers and other professionals who can support your conservation journey
- Knowledge that will widen your perspective on how farmers are part of the solution to soil and water resource challenges
The anticipated time commitment for the program is two to four hours per week, which includes weekly meetings. Local Extension agents and conservation professionals will facilitate the meetings and activities – you just need to show up and be ready to contribute.
Download the Program at a Glance
Ready to Learn More and/or Sign up?
We are starting Conservation Farmer Networks in the following regions. Click on your region to sign up to receive more information. (These links are the same as those at the top of the page.)
Join us to discover the role you can play in cultivating a culture of conservation in your community!
Questions? Contact Jenny Seifert, watershed outreach specialist, UW-Madison Division of Extension.
Why Tell Your Conservation Story?
Some quick thoughts from fellow farmers on why it’s important to share your conservation story and how to do it.
This program is organized by

Conservation Farmer Network is a program of The Confluence for Watershed Leaders.